Oven-Baked Recipe

Donuts are soft pastries shaped like rings and covered with various sweet decorations. 🍩

They are usually deep-fried. For a lighter version, I have tested an an oven-baked recipe.

Prep Time : 40 min
Resting time : 2h15
Bake Time : 10 min


For the Dough:

For the glaze :

  • 2.1 oz (60 g) white chocolate
  • 1.41 oz (40 g) coconut white chocolate
  • Coconut powder



Fruit noix de coco

Step 1 : Dough
  1. Preheat your oven to 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius).
    In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook accessory, combine 1 ½ cups (180 g) of flour, salt, 2 tbsp (30 g) of coconut sugar, ¼ cup (60 g) of coconut cream, 2 tbsp (30 ml) of vegetable oil, the egg and 0.5 oz crumbled fresh yeast.
  2. Mix with the stand mixer until you obtain a homogeneous dough.
  3. Take the dough and form a ball (add a little flour if necessary) and place it in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with a clean towel.
    Turn off the oven and let the dough rest for about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Step 2 : Shaping

The dough should have almost doubled in size. Press down on it with the base of your palm to release the air.

Pâte a donuts dans un saladier, juste après le repos.

1 – Flour a work surface or use a silicone pastry mat.

2 – Place a sheet of parchment paper on your baking sheet.

3 – Divide your dough into 9 equal portions (about 30 g each) using a dough cutter . This will allow you to get uniformly sized donuts.

4 – Take one portion of dough and shape it into a ball by rolling it between your hands. Repeat this step for each portion of dough.

Donuts boules de pâte crues

5 – Flatten one dough ball to form a round shape. You can use the palm of your hand to apply gentle pressure on the dough ball, then finish with a rolling pin  to make the surface smooth.

6 – Make a hole in the center of the donut using a suitable round cookie cutter. Then place your donut on the baking sheet.


Donuts avant cuisson posé sur la plaque de cuisson.

7 – Repeat these steps for each dough ball. Make sure to space out the donuts on the baking sheet as they will expand.

8 – Cover with the towel and let them rest for about 45 minutes in a draft-free spot. For example, you can place them back in the still-warm oven.

Step 3 : Baking
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).
  2. Bake the donuts at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) using the conventional heating mode (without convection) on the second rack level for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove them from the oven once the baking time is up.
Step 4 : Chocolate Glaze
  1. Once the donuts have completely cooled, melt 2.1 oz (60 g) of white chocolate and 1.41 oz (40 g) of coconut white chocolate in a double boiler.Use a heat-resistant container that is wide enough to dip a donut into the chocolate.
  2. Once both chocolates have melted, stir them together using a silicone spatula.
  3. Take a donut and gently dip it into the chocolate glaze. Use the spatula to coat the surface of the donut evenly.
  4. Place the donut back on the baking sheet.
  5. Repeat this step to glaze all the coconut donuts.
  6. Sprinkle coconut powder on each donut.

2 Donuts recouverts de chocolat noix de coco posés sur une assiette. Le premier est croqué.

Let the donuts rest for about 2 hours to allow the glaze to harden before enjoying them.

Gisou’s Tips and Tricks

  • Coconut cream can be replaced with almond cream.
  • Coconut sugar will slightly color the dough. You can substitute it with cane sugar.
Coconut Flavored Donuts

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