Egg-Free and Butter-Free Recipe

This very simple and light recipe highlights the apple, the most consumed fruit in France. The dough doesn’t need resting time, so you can make the recipe all at once. 🍎


Prep Time : 20 min

Cook Time : 25 min


For the dough

For the topping

  • 2 Golden Delicious apples
  • 4 oz (100 g) applesauce or apple-strawberry
  • 1 tablespoon honey



Step 1 : The dough
  1. In a bowl, mix the yogurt with the sugar, water, and oil. Add the flour and baking powder, then form a dough ball. Do not over knead the dough.
  2. Butter a tart pan about 9 inches in diameter (22 cm), sprinkle a little flour to prevent the dough from sticking. For a “butter-free” version, you can use a parchment paper.
  3. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin on your floured work surface or on a silicone mat, place it gently in the pan. Prick the edges of the dough lightly with a fork, to prevent the dough from puffing up too much.

Preheat the oven to 350 °F (180 °C).

Step 2 : The apples

Peel the apples and slice them. You can use an apple peeler that peels, removes the core, and slices the apple in a spiral. Then, cut the apple in half to get half-moon shapes.

Apple peeler on Amazon

Spread your choice of applesauce strawberry (or of your choice) on the bottom of the tart, then arrange the apple slices on top. Bake for approximately 25 minutes at 350°F (180°C).


Tarte pommes
Apple pie before baking


After baking, heat the honey in a double boiler to liquefy it, then apply it onto the apples with a brush.


Tarte pommes

Enjoy your apple tart without eggs and butter!

Gisou’s Tips and tricks:

  • The cooking time may vary from oven to oven and can alter the appearance and taste of certain recipes! The type of baking dish used also influences the duration.
  • I used a Pyrex glass dish.
  • You can vary the flavors by replacing the honey with a mixture of powdered sugar (20g) with cinnamon (1 teaspoon). Sprinkle it over the apples just before baking.
French Apple Tart

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