
Houmos –  Hummus

Hummus is a culinary preparation from the Middle East. It looks like a very creamy chickpea paste flavored with garlic. It can be enjoyed in different ways on toasted bread, crackers, pita bread, or even with raw vegetable sticks. 💛
The main ingredients are chickpeas, garlic, and olive oil. After several trials and tweaks, I’ve come to prefer the following version.

Prep Time : 15 min

Cook Time : 1 hour



  • 5,3 oz (150 g) raw chickpeas
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) extra virgin olive oil
  • ¼ cup (50 g) plain sheep’s or goat’s milk yogurt (or yogurt classique)
  • 1 medium clove of garlic, peeled and smashed
  • 1 tablespoon organic tahini
  • juice of half an organic lemon
  • a pinch of salt (optional)


Step 1 : Soaking the chickpeas

It is recommended to soak the chickpeas for at least 8 hours in cold water. This softens them, makes cooking easier, and aids digestion.
The day before, soak the chickpeas in a bowl covered with a large amount of cold water (the chickpeas will swell). Cover with a towel.

Step 2 : Soaking the chickpeas
  1. The next day, discard the water and rinse the chickpeas.
  2. Put them in a pressure cooker, cover them with water (at least 3 times the volume of chickpeas), and cook for one hour. Refrain from adding salt as it slows down the cooking.
  3. Once done, drain them well.
Step 3 : Cooking the chickpeas
  1. In a food processor, chop a clove of garlic (if the garlic is not fresh, remove the germ) and add 60 ml of olive oil, 50 grams of goat yogurt, 1 tablespoon of tahini, and lemon juice.
  2. Blend the ingredients before adding the chickpeas. Continue to blend for a long time, scraping the sides to get a smooth and creamy chickpea puree.
  3. Pour the preparation into a container that you can close and chill for about 2 hours.


Enjoy your Hummus Dip !

Gisou’s Tips and Tricks

  • Tahini, also known as tahin, tahina, tehina, or tahini, is a creamy sesame paste. Sesame seeds are ground with a bit of water until a smooth paste is achieved.
  • To save time, you can cook a larger quantity of chickpeas and freeze them for future use in recipes.
  • For a smoother texture, you can peel the chickpeas, but be prepared for a longer preparation time! Personally, I keep the skins on but make sure to blend the mixture thoroughly multiple times, stirring in between.
  • If you’re looking for a quick recipe, you can use canned chickpeas.
Hummus Dip with Chickpeas

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